Currently Browsing: Processed Food

Processed Nation

Processed Nation – Wendy’s and hot dog don’t have mold yet! After I thought about all the food I said I would purchase on my Processed Nation Blog, I decided to reevaluate the situation.  All it took was thinking about all the bugs all that food would attract in my house.  I HATE bugs, especially roaches. Instead, I waited until a presentation I was doing on 11/29 to Instinct Volleyball club about...

Processed Nation

Since Micky D’s is getting such a bad rap on the burger and fries that lasted a half the year without growing mold, I’ve decided to show that they’re not the only ones!  Tomorrow, I will be purchasing food from Chick-Fil-A (which I honestly hate to do because I love their company values), Subway, and Chipotle (owned by McDonald’s) to see how these fast food restaurants fair. Some people don’t...
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