
Leadwoman – June 2019


In June, I ran ~161 miles and rode ~342 miles.  By June, my running body was feeling better and I got my running mileage back up.  This meant less time on the bike though.  It was such a balancing act.  June was a series of back-to-back traveling to do events. And lists.  Lots and lots of lists.  For camping, for road traveling, for plane traveling, for racing.  Even with all the lists, I still forgot things.

After missing a 6-hour ride at Palo Duro because of rain, it really messed with me mentally and I kept trying to make it up and couldn’t.  I had been doing so well on training since April and not missing any workouts.  My body felt good.  Everything was going well.  But, I was not about to ride 6 hours indoors to make up that ride.  This is the month where I really had to rope Coach Steve in to help me finalize the last bit of my schedule.  Luckily, I stayed with him again for a race close to Austin.  He had looked it over in the beginning, but it had changed several times and now things were getting serious.

On 6/7, I got to ride with Jello again!  What a delight!  Someone I barely knew rode 100 miles with me!  Who does that?!  Sheila and Jello sure did.  We also ran into Tamara and Stacy for a bit!  Lots of fun was had that day!








The girls were getting to where they wanted to run and ride with me.  They really couldn’t unless it was at the end of a training session.  It was so hot by now with temps starting to hit 100’s.  If I would finish early enough, Audrey would finish running with me while Lily rode the bike.  Popsicles to follow.  We were almost up to 10k for Audrey.

I started craving food this month.  Usually for me, that’s nachos.  Or pizza.  But, we were also still eating well and staying on top of the food.  Somehow.

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