Currently Browsing: Travel

Leadwoman – SCAN Symposium in Phoenix (4/27-28/19)

Here I am.  At the same conference that all of this started at a year ago.  Where I had learned that altitude could be acclimated to with multiple exposures.  I had a lot of training to get in that weekend so I wasn’t too sure how much of the conference I would be attending.  Fortunately, there are a lot of active dietitians that always do fun things with me at these conferences.  Off the...

Leadwoman – March 2019

In March, I ran ~172 miles and rode ~320 miles.  This was starting to get time consuming.  Since LP works on Saturdays so I had to drag the girls with me to Saturday races and/or let them run/ride with me at the end of training sessions.  This turned into them camping for the first time, helping hand out medals at races and doing their first trail race which they looked forward to.  I’d never run...
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