Currently Browsing: Sport Nutrition

Eve-ville 100 – Post Party

When I finished, it was way after we thought it would be because of the thunderstorm delay.  Everyone needed to get back home.  They had already broken down camp and everyone was pretty much ready to pull out.  So they did.  LP and the girls went with me down to the lake to try and do an “ice bath.”  I waited for everything else to get packed up in the truck and we all pulled out.  LP and...

Eve-ville 100 – The End

What looked on the radar like it would be an hour turned into over 3 hours.  But, the lightening did finally stop.  Sheila continued on loop 7 and Grady added.  It was sprinkling when we started.  You’d think I would have tried to get some rest during that unforeseen break and I did, but it was impossible.  I started coughing up all the trail dust and could not stop choking on it.  I was cold.  It...

Eve-ville 100 – Loops 5 and 6

              When I arrived at base camp at mile 50.  I was pretty pissed.  I had no idea that my message had not made it back.  They weren’t ready for me.  I really wanted real food.  I was sick of what I was eating.  Gary gave me a quesadilla, which I just spit out.  Kimberly got me a makeshift bin to wash my face and brush my teeth in.  That was a turning...

Eve-ville 100 – The first 50 miles

The plan was the start at 4 a.m.  Gary was going to run the first loop behind me just for protection.  Jello had given me a cowbell to scare bears away.  You better believe I planned on ringing that thing as often as possible.  I waited to get some distance away form the campsites before I started though. This was it.  I had a giddy grin on my face.  Everything had come together up to this point. ...

Eve-ville 100 – The 24 Hours Before

                              It was time to leave for Eve-ville.  Gary, Kimberly, Shane and I were riding together.  They met at my house at 6:30ish that Friday morning 9/6.  It was an 8-hour drive.  We went to get Gary and made it to Grindstone around 3:30 p.m.  The plan was for Gary, Sheila and Jello to ride the course on...

Leadwoman – Leadville 100 MTB (8/10/19) (3rd/5 events)

4 a.m. came early.  It was a 6 a.m. race start.  Usually, I eat breakfast 2.5-3 hours out, but the first part of Leadville is a very fast downhill for nearly 30 minutes before climbing so I would have that time to digest food longer than normal.  I was fortunate to have moved up 2 corrals from 3 years prior.  I was convinced this would help a lot.  People at the back walk a lot more.  And they do it...

Leadwoman – August Days Before the 100 MTB

Sometime in May or June, I started getting invited to my bestie’s 40th birthday in Florida the weekend before Leadville MTB.  I completely ignored all the invites and fun being planned because there was no way I was going.  I watched all the posts in the birthday group for months moping around that I was going to miss it.  As it got closer, it was almost like I needed to go.  I needed to get away. ...

Leadwoman – Other things in August

                  In August, I was also trying to “take it all in.”  Whatever that means at this point.  It’s hard to stop and appreciate anything when everything is revolving around upcoming races, travel, training, eating, sleeping.  We had a few fun things going on at home, but honestly, not much.  Movie night happened and I got dressed...

Leadwoman – Muleshoe Bend 60k (7/13/19)

I stayed at Coach Steve and Kat’s again for my second night race attempt.  The funny thing is my stubborn ass did not buy a new headlamp. I honestly can’t tell you if I just forgot, didn’t have time, or what happened.  Sometimes, I think I just didn’t want to buy anymore things at this point.  So, I kept trying to convince myself that maybe, just maybe, with everything else right, it will...

Leadwoman – Silver Rush 50 (7/7/19) (2nd/5 events)

It was the girl’s first trip to Colorado and they couldn’t wait to get there.  We stayed in Salida.  I really liked this decision because it was south of Leadville.  It wasn’t as far of a drive compared to where I was scheduled to stay the following month.  We overnighted in Amarillo at the same place we’d stayed for Memorial Day weekend and made it for the Salida 4th of July parade and...
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