When I finished, it was way after we thought it would be because of the thunderstorm delay. Everyone needed to get back home. They had already broken down camp and everyone was pretty much ready to pull out. So they did. LP and the girls went with me down to the lake to try and do an “ice bath.” I waited for everything else to get packed up in the truck and we all pulled out. LP and the girls left for home. Gary, Shane and I headed over to Mark’s so I could take a real shower. However, I will say that Grindstone has the nicest showers I’ve EVER seen for a campsite and I would highly recommended you go there at some point. The shower was not every bit of what I thought it would be. It was a lot of work. I was tired and didn’t really want to stand up. And things burned. I was just happy to be done. We made a pallet for me to sleep on and that’s what I did for the entire ride back. Except for the 2 times we stopped. Once for pizza and beer. The other for a blizzard. We didn’t get back until 1 a.m.
A few weeks later, I invited everyone over to say thank you as best as I could. I could never repay them for what they had done for me. I had my very own pickaxe that everyone signed. This is what you get for finished Leadwoman. Also, randomly the girls found this weird stick that somehow looks exactly like a pickaxe too. So, I had two now. We had a great party. Good stories were told. Roger had ordered me a trophy. Thank you Roger. I tried to make a video show of the pictures but couldn’t get them to play on the T.V. It was over.