The other day I went to put on a pair of jeans and they were uncomfortable tight! At first my mind immediately went to…oh no, I wonder what I weigh (haven’t been on the scale in months)…what am I going to wear now…when was the last time I put these pants on…how could I let this happen…etc., etc., etc. Luckily I snapped out of it and logically thought through why my skinny jeans don’t fit. I started a resistance training program which includes more legs. Does it make me happy that my pants don’t fit? No. Do I deal with it? Yes.
I deal with it because I know the training I’m doing will make me run faster. I also know that I’m mesomorph (body type) and it only takes looking at weights for me to gain weight (muscle that is!) It’s my genetics and I’m actually quite thankful for them.
As you begin or change your exercise program and you don’t lose weight or even if you gain weight, look at the bigger picture. This is where having someone to check your body fat% comes in handy. Also note that some of the sports you may choose to be involved in (i.e. soccer, cycling) build your leg muscles. If you’re going to freak out when your skinny jeans don’t fit you may have to rethink your sport but definitely don’t give up weight training!