I failed to mention the part about how I’d taken 10 days off of training (other than the 14er). I called coach Steve panicking and not having the least bit of clue how to pick back up. After 10 days off, I just picked right back up where I left off and followed the schedule he gave me. This may only be the 2nd time in my life I’ve followed 100% what a coach said. Except, I added one thing. I did 5 hours of yard work that Friday, August 23rd. My yard had been neglected since April! It had to be done. Bad idea. Really, really bad idea. I ran 20 miles the next day. No problem. Sunday, I ran 20 more. 10 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon. Something didn’t feel right. I took Monday off per the schedule. My hamstrings were hurting bad. Really, really bad. Like I had done a million deadlifts bad. I rode that Tuesday and took off Wednesday even though I wasn’t supposed to. 13 miles running on Thurs. was hard! My hamstring was worrying me. I could not believe I been months without hurting now and yard work did this to me! I rode Friday. I was supposed to run 20 Saturday. I started with Coach Jack’s Cowtown training group. By now they were all training for other races. By mile 5, I was walking. I was scared to run and make it worse. This was the day I finally figured out it was the 5 hours of yard work a week before. I ended up with 12 miles that day. The next day, Sunday, I was supposed to run trails. I went to Gateway Park because it was close. I was also battling the emotional part of this. I was supposed to be finished. I wasn’t supposed to still be training. This was dragging out. I was burned out. And now I was hurting. Annoying. I was less than one mile into my run at Gateway (the EASIEST trail in the Metroplex) and I face-planted. Really it was more like a shoulder plant. But, nonetheless, there I was….lying on the trail, accessing the damage. Shane called. I fought through the tears and answered the phone. We had a good conversation. The 100-miler was less than a week away. The training was done. There was nothing else I was going to be able to do at this point. I walked back to the car as we talked. I alternated running and cycling that week. I stretched and rolled and I DID NOT do anymore yard work.